Thursday, June 13, 2019

2018 Year in Review (FLASHBACK)

Hey friends,
We didn't post shit for 2018!! Sorry. We had some lifestyle fun: went to Cali for a family event and got to check out Club Joi (before they closed and now since re-opened), finally checked out this local monthly house party that we have been meaning to attend for years, went to Friction Parties Valentine's Event, Friction Parties Liquid Lust Hotel Takeover, Friction Parties Halloween Party AND Friction Parties NYE Hotel Takeover!! That was a lot of Friction for one year.

In addition, we also went to Hedonism II for our third trip and we experienced some life-altering shit! Long fuckin' story! With that behind us, we are ready to get back at you with our tales, experiences and reviews for 2019 and beyond.

Thanks for reading and happy fucking!

Mr. and Mrs. Moore

Friday, February 16, 2018

Review - Naughty In Nawlins and Colette (FLASHBACK) - July 2017

The Mrs. and I were trying to figure out what sexy trip we were going to take in 2017.  We try to schedule one per year.  It's our treat to ourselves for being so awesome.  We seriously considered Desire Riviera Maya, but thought "what if it sucks".  We would have paid all of that money and ended up pissed. We wanted to return "home" to Hedo because we had so much fun each time we've gone.  Instead, we opted to stay in the US and check out Naughty in Nawlins, in New Orleans, Louisiana.

For those that don't know, Naughty in Nawlins bills itself as the world's largest lifestyle convention. The event takes over one of New Orleans' largest hotels, right on Bourbon Street, with more rooms booked in a nearby overflow hotel.  They have over 1000 couples that attend this event!  If you can't meet a match at NIN, you aren't looking!

We booked our room for 2017 fairly early, so we were able to get a spot at the Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel, which was the host hotel this year.  NIN used to be held in fall, around November, some time, but the last few years it's been in July.  If you have ever been to New Orleans in July, you know it's hot.  It's beyond hot, it's HOT and very HUMID!  Once you wrap your head around the fact that it's going to be dumb hot and humid, it's fine.

There are several lifestyle dating sites that promote the event, the largest probably being Kasidie.  As well as SLS and others.  Plus, vanilla sites like Facebook and such.  So there is heavy advertising for this annual event, on all fronts.  Well-advertised. Well-attended. Sexy lifestyle couples. Awesome city. What more could you ask for?

Let's get to it! We arrive in the Crescent City after 3PM, which is a great time for us: we didn't have to get up dumb early and we would arrive late enough that our room should be ready at check in. Which would be good because we already had plans for the afternoon.  The check-in process was super easy and efficient.  As soon as we walked into the hotel we were greeted and shown the registration room.  That's where we met the NIN staff that told us about the events going on that day, gave us a swag bag full of free goodies, information and discount coupons for various conference-related things.  As well as, the conference itinerary for the next several days and our lanyards that would allow us entry to not only the various NIN-sponsored parties on Bourbon Street, but also allow us entry into the hotel!  It was not a game.  Leave your lanyard in your hotel room at your own risk!  Security staff was A1.  Always on point and official, but friendly as well.  Also in the registration room, there were a few vendors selling things like sex toys, natural lubricants and condoms and other adult things, like infused "adult treats".  Not sure why, but the sales lady came up to me while the Mrs. was checking in and asked if I would be interested in purchasing some "adult treats".  Indeed I was.  When the Mrs. was done, I told her what I purchased and introduced her to my new best friend!  It didn't hurt that she was a gorgeous dark-skinned woman with long braided hair up in a ponytail. She was was hot!  There was also a lady that sold these medical grade sponges.  Her table billboard said something like "Got Your Period? We Can Help".  After registration, we checked in with the hotel, which was a breeze.  Although we were a bit nervous because the line was at least 20-25 people deep.

After we unpacked, we ran into friends of ours, Mr. and Mrs. Jones from the "We Gotta Thing" podcast, in the elevator.  They were on their way to host their meet and greet, which we were also attending.  We took care of some business at the hotel and headed to the House of Blues for the M&G.  The M&G was on the patio area of the restaurant and it was very well attended.  We met a couple of couples. One was a couple local to us.  The other couple was from Kentucky.  The local couple didn't have too much rap for us.  Maybe it was just too hot to make small, lifestyle talk with us or maybe they weren't into us.  SIDEBAR: one thing about us is we aren't in the lifestyle to fuck everyone we can fuck.  We actually are in it to meet quality people and have great, sexy conversation where we all can be our true selves.  If playtime happens, then that's the icing on the cake. So with that being said, we spent most of the time there talking with the Kentucky couple.  We all shared stories and information and we asked about the lifestyle scene in Kentucky...shocker, there isn't any. It was a good time.

After the M&G, we headed back to our room to get ready for the evening's events, the Celebration of Non-Monogomy parade down Bourbon Street and right after, the all-white welcome party in the ballroom.  On the way up to our room, we decided to take a quick tour of the playrooms. They were giving tours before the rooms opened up for the evening. It was pretty amazing. The playrooms were all on one floor where they transformed several meeting rooms into these awesome playrooms. There was an S&M dungeon room, a romantic room with sheer drapes hanging on the beds, a pitch black room (that was literally PITCH BLACK), a small group room with about 8 beds, a room with about 6 or 7 single black males for the ladies interested in BBC and then there was this HUGE group room with about 50 or more mattresses! It was massive. We were very excited to check it out!  The one thing that we liked about the event is that no street clothes were allowed on the floor with all of the playrooms. You were required to wear a robe or a towel.  The staff supplied you with bags for your clothes and belongings and towels if you came in your street clothes.  Once disrobed, you were free to roam the play areas and look for the sexy scene that best suited you and your partner!

We got ready for the event, All White and the Sexual Freedom Parade down Bourbon Street.  Well there was some confusion and about the first three or four blocks of Bourbon was closed due to construction.  Long story short, we missed that shit.  Oh well.  Later that night we attended the All White party at the hotel.  It was a great time.  We decided to check out the playrooms to see what was going on.  It was crowded, but not too bad. We opted for the more romantic playroom for our first night there. We fucked for a bit and then went to back to our room, it was kind of a long day.

The next day we did a little day time sightseeing for the obligatory Facebook posts.  It was pretty steamy out, but nice.  And steamy is kinda what you expect in N.O., in July.  It was hot out, so when we got back to the hotel, we went to go check out the rooftop hotel pool. One thing we can tell you is, they do some AMAZING things with photography.  That hotel pool is a lot smaller in-person than it looks in the photos!  It was a nice sized crowd at the pool.  It was clothing optional of course, and most of the people were nude or topless.  We stayed for a bit and made casual conversation "Where are you from?", "Is this your fist time at Naughty in Nawlins?", "How long have you been in the lifestyle?".  Those kinds of things.  It started to rain, so we headed back to the room for a quick "session" and figure out the plan for the evening.

Although there were plenty of parties hosted during the day, along with some really interesting and informative seminars, the fun was at night!  With your package, each attendee received free and discounted admission to Colette, the lifestyle club a few block away from the host hotel. We planned on visiting the club a couple of times while we were there.  The first night was free for all NIN attendees.  We decided to share an Uber with some friends we just met.  Although the club was only a couple of blocks away, it was better to ride, for the ladies and their heels and for the gent's peace of mind.  Our driver passed the club twice, because it's so nondescript.  By our third time around, there was a slight line, which was fine. It was pretty efficient with the registration and all.  The inside was PACKED!  It was like our home club on NYE and  Halloween!  We didn't even bother to check in our bottles at the bar, but it took over 30 minutes just to get ice. The bartenders were clearly overwhelmed and started to get a little rude, unfortunately.  You don't have to be in the lifestyle to work at a lifestyle venue, we get that, but you should at least be friendly.  We can get rude service at any TGI Fridays around the globe, but I guess we expected more from this kind of venue. We get ice, have some drinks and then decide to tour the club.  Usually when we go to a new town and a new club, we try to arrive early enough to get a tour and get a feel for the place.  Plus, it's always nice to see people as they come in so you can put them on your radar.  That wasn't happening tonight!  This place was way too packed to even think about touring.  As we walked around, we ran into Mr. and Mrs. Jones again and chatted and danced with them for a bit and continued our tour upstairs where the playrooms are located.

The club looks like it's in a converted rowhouse.  So it's not very wide, but super deep.  Upstairs you will find a library room-styled playroom.  This playroom is very similar to a library/study that you would find in an old mansion.  It came complete with books and artwork and the requisite leather couches.  There were a ton of couples scattered about and making out.  The scene was very reminiscent of a teen party where the parents are out of town to their kid invites his girlfriend and a bunch of other high school couples over to play spin the bottle.  There was nothing sexy about this scene for either of us.  Off of the library, there was a theater room with couches and chairs and porn playing on the screen.  I guess in keeping with the high school theme, old school porn was being shown on the screen. I guess that teen also raided his dad's VCR porn collection too!  There was one guy getting a blowjob in there, but mostly there were couples in there making out and watching.

Down the main hallway there were a couple of nooks with couches where couples could take a break to get to know each other a little better before playing. Those spots were a nice touch.  Additionally, there were a few play areas that used curtains for privacy and one or two rooms with actual doors.  Just beyond those rooms, there was this rather large room with a round bed. Inside, there were mirrored walls that went around half of the room. It was sexy.  Especially given the fact that the mirrors inside were windows outside.  So everyone outside of the room could see inside.  Another nice touch.  Then there was a small group room with about 2 or 3 beds close together with a couple of Liberator-like chairs around the room.

For the most part Colette is a nice club. It was just really crowded that night and that took away a lot of the fun for us. We did play a little in the "fishbowl" room, the Mrs. gave me a nice blowjob. We also checked out small group room. Which was going well, until some creepy old dude asked the couple next to us if he could get them a towel!!  Wait, who are you here with, sir?!?  After that, we decided to try our hand in another room.  The Mrs. had to use the restroom, so I hung out near the fishbowl making casual conversation.  She was in there for awhile, but the club was packed, so it made sense that she had to wait a little.  When she comes out she is all panicky looking and said that we needed to go.  There was a sense of urgency in her voice.  I was like "OK. But what's going on?!" She said that there were some "sketchy bitches" in there and we just needed to go.  Turns out the Mrs. ate too much "adult cookie" and she was trippin'...HARD!  We exited the club and found our way back to the hotel on foot, she needed the fresh air.  It turns out the "sketchy bitches" were just "smelly bitches" asking for "spray". We could only assume they were looking for spray to freshen up their pussy.  Not sure why she was looking for spray, when you could have just washed it in one of the showers....

We returned to the hotel and went to check out the playrooms.  We actually ended up on a corner bed of the Grand Playroom (that's what I'm calling it), with the 50-plus mattresses.  We had a really nice session.  Since the Mrs. was still feeling her cookie, she was able to have three orgasms.  It was quite a sexy time.  So much so, that as we were leaving, we were complimented on our fucking by two older couples that were watching us nearby.  They have been around for awhile, so they know some good fucking when they see it!

Since this is an actual convention, Naughty in Nawlins actually hosts a number of conferences during the day. There were a few that we were interested in, but either they were scheduled a little too early in the day for us or they conflicted with another event we wanted to attend. That's the thing, with so much going on, it's really hard to "do it all".  We worked hard to attend the one we wanted really were looking forward to: Diversity in the Lifestyle.  It was quite informative and although we, as an interracial couple in the lifestyle already knew, it was good to have the confirmation that the lifestyle is different for non-whites in the lifestyle.  Not that it is bad, but it's just different. The clubs operate differently when they are trying to attract a more "urban" crowd.  The events are marketed and promoted differently.  As well as the actual play situations/scenarios.  At some point, we hope to expand on our experiences.  In addition to help bridge that divide.  Anyway, so that seminar was good and pretty well-attended.

In addition to the seminars, the event also hosts complete bar takeovers.  They have several over the course of the day, many of them at competing times.  So you have to choose wisely.  The good news is they are for NIN attendees only and are all free.  So if you make a bad choice and end up at a lame event, you can always go check out the other event!  No problem! Out of all of the takeovers we attended, two stick out most to us: the one at Bourbon Cowboy and the one at Razoo Bar.

The Bourbon Cowboy is a classic Western-themed dive bar.  Complete with country music hits and a machanical bull.  We aren't the least interested in country all.  However, they had really great drink prices and it seemed like it would be a good social time.  That was evident within the first 45 minutes or so of being there that there was a woman being eaten out on top of the bar! Oh yeah, this is gonna be a party!  There was a contest for whoever rode the mechanical bull the longest, they would win a trip to Desire.  Pretty good deal...but there was a catch: you had to ride the bull naked.  There were a few female contestants that decided to give the bull a ride, but none of the ladies would get naked.  A couple of them did ride topless.  Well, after about 3 drinks (all doubles, so really 6 drinks), the Mrs. said that she was gonna do it.  I didn't believe her until she came out of the ladies room and handed me her bag and went in the riding pin and took off her clothes to reveal her completely naked body!  Her panties and bra were stuffed in her purse.  They cleaned off the bull with spray and paper towels and she hopped on and gave the thumbs up when she was ready to ride.  She held on tight with her hands and her thighs, gripping the bull as she gyrated back and forth and up and down mimicking the bull's every motion. She held on for over 90 seconds, which she said felt like an eternity.  She dismounted (she was thrown off) to the cheers and applauds of the spectating crowd.  I was so proud of her.  She dressed and we hung around to watch many others now have the newfound courage to ride.  The winner was decided by crowd applause and there were some sexy riders, that's for damn sure, but none were naked.  It's a Naked Bull Riding Contest.  It's in the title!  It's like having a Naked Bull Riding Contest and not having a bull! Anyway, she did not win the contest, but we were given discounts to stay at Desire. That we will use and of course blog about.

Our other favorite event was the Ms. No Swimsuit Contest at Razoo Bar.  The contest is one of several Ms. No Swimsuit Contests at various lifestyle events and locations sponsored by Tom's Trips.  The lucky winner wins a trip to Hedonism II to compete against the ladies that won at the other events.  This is the highlight event that's held on the last full day of the convention.  This being our first time, we had no idea and actually lucked up and were able to get in early and get two of the best seats in the house and that house got PACKED!!  The events are supposed to be for NIN attendees only, but that place was so crowded that there had to be a bunch of vanillas there that must have come because they heard about the naked ladies dancing.  It was a great show.  Some of the contestants were really good and some clearly were not amateurs.  We stayed until the winner was announces and it was a fantastic time.  Afterwards, we were lucky enough to hear a real New Orleans brass band out on Bourbon Street. They were amazing!  We can't say enough about all of the events that NIN hosted, both day time and evening events.

One of the evening events was a burlesque show at this pretty swanky hotel about a block or two away.  The Mrs. wanted to do a little photo shoot there, so we took in the show and took some sexy pics of her in the hotel lobby.  Afterwards, we headed back to the hotel and danced in the ballroom to the DJ that was spinning. It was getting a little warm, so we headed out to the pool to get some air and took a couple of seats and people talked and laughed and hung out in the pool.  While there, we met a woman with a super complicated story, the short version is she was a unicorn that night!  So we talked with her for awhile getting to know her and exchanged stories. After some time, we all decided to head into the hotel to check out the rooms.  She certainly gave me the vibe that she was interested, but she didn't look like she was the Mrs' type of girl to play with.  So I kind of put that thought out of my head.  We walked around and looked at the rooms together and she stopped by the BBC Room and was talking with one of the guys for a bit.  See? I knew it!  She liked her some brothers! Too bad the Mrs. wasn't feeling her!  Damn it! Well, we let them talk and we walk away and the Mrs. was a little upset that we didn't make a move on her!  What?! I was just as shocked as you are now!  I told her that I didn't think she was feeling her, so I thought it was a no-go. She agreed that the unicorn wasn't on the top of her list, but she could tell that the unicorn was into me and she would have enjoyed watching us play. Well now you tell me!  So we walk to one of the vendor rooms and our gorgeous, dark-skinned friend was there working.  Now we BOTH were into her.  So the Mrs. breaks out her strong pimp-game and is working on the lady.  Like, putting in some serious work.  I got hard just watching her.  At this point, the unicorn comes and finds us and she can tell "business" is being discussed, so she leaves.  No deal would be sealed that night, but the Mrs. thoroughly impressed me.  We say "fuck it" and head back to the pool, maybe we will run into the unicorn again.  We go and it's packed.  There is only one seat to be had, so I let the Mrs. take it.  Well this brunette says that it's her seat, although she is standing up talking to friends.  The Mrs. tells her that she'll just hold it for her until she is ready to have it back or maybe they could share.  It was a little flirty.  Anyway, the brunette goes on this tale about how her man is in the room and she is supposed to bring him back a lady for him to go down on.  It was the funniest thing watching her try to convince my wife to go to a stranger's room and have him eat her out with no reciprocation.  She claimed that he could make her cum in less than two minutes.  She's trying so hard to convince the Mrs., so much that she left her friends and came over to us.  She is laying it on thick.  Next thing I know, the Mrs. asks me what I think, I told her it's up to her.  She is like "fuck it, let's go"!  What?!  So we are walking to the room and the Mrs. tells her that we need to stop by our room so she could go pee first and to freshen up.  The brunette is like "you can use our bathroom."  OK.  All of a sudden, on the way to the room, the craziness of the situation hits the Mrs. and she pauses and says..."I need you to suck my husband's dick too." That's my baby!!! Brunette replies, no problem. We get to the room and sure enough the door is propped open and she tells him that she brought him someone to eat.  He gets up and he isn't a bad looking guy.  We both were relieved.  She goes and freshens up and lays down and he goes to town.  I get behind our new friend and undo her bikini top and begin to rub on her tits and pull her nipples.  Then I turn her around so I can suck on them.  Sure enough, the Mrs. cums super fast (it took a little over two minutes).  Then she reminds our friend about my blowjob.  To which she promptly gets down on her knees and starts sucking my dick like there's no tomorrow.  My wife enjoyed watching that so much that she leaned over the edge of the bed and opened her mouth nice and wide so that our friend would guide my dick into her mouth.  It was so fucking hot.  Next thing I know, the brunette is totally naked and asks us if we wanted to fuck.  I know my wife, I could tell that was a bit much for one night, so we declined the offer and scurried out of there.  

Since it was our last night, the Mrs. thought she would redeem herself from the Colette debacle earlier in the trip, so we decided we'd go back.  It wasn't as crowded as the first night we went, although it was a Saturday night, so it was a win already.  We had the lay of the land, since we were just there a few nights before, so we knew where we wanted to sit and hang out.  This night, the crowd was certainly a lot younger and sexier, which was great.  We met a few vanilla couples there that helped us come to the conclusion that although it's a lifestyle club, there is a huge contingent of vanillas that attend.  It's probably because the club offers a very sexy environment, especially for vanillas, that allows you to take your sexiness up to the edge or you can go all the way over, if you choose to.  Since there were so many vanillas, there wasn't a lot of playing, but it was still a very sexy night.  We met a couple that was in the lifestyle and was visiting for the weekend.  We talked for awhile and shared lifestyle pleasantries (Where are you from? How long have you been married? How long have you been in the lifestyle? Etc.) with them and they seemed real cool.  Cool enough that when we were away from them, the Mrs. and I discussed the possibility of playing with them.  The Mrs. and I went to the small group room and she gave me a nice blowjob for awhile, until the room just got too crowded.  As we were leaving the room our new friends were just getting settled.  We searched for a private room and lucked up.   We quickly grabbed the room and got new bedding.  The Mrs. went to find our new friends to see if they were interested in sharing the room with us and possibly more, but no such luck.  We ended up occupying that room for the better part of the rest of the night until it just got too hot and stuffy in there and we needed a water break.  We turned over the room to a couple of very happy couples and retreated back downstairs.  The club was practically empty, so we headed back to the hotel for a night cap and some sleep, since we had an early fight out in the morning.

Sorry this was so long, but we wanted to make sure that we touched on as many experiences as possible.  So in conculsion, we would suggest checking out Naughty in Nawlins and Colette, while you are there.  It was a fun experience and we had a terrific time.  Would we go back?  Possibly.  The biggest "issue" for us is the lack of diversity.  Not just from an ethinic standpoint, but mostly from an age standpoint.  There were a lot of younger attendees, but you had to sift through the older attendees to find them!  We would suggest that the event host a meet and greet for the 40 and under guests early on, that way, they would have made the connections early and exchanged info so they could meet again later on.  Unless the organizers reach out to a younger, more diverse audience, we doubt NIN will be around in another ten years.  So while it's around, check it out....before it's gone!

Happy Fucking!

Mr. and Mrs. Moore

Monday, January 8, 2018

Happy 2018! - Updates for the year to cum

Happy 2018!  Hope you all had a sexy New Year's Eve and brought in 2018 the right way! ;-)  So 2017 was a pretty busy year for us on the lifestyle front. We only took one lifestyle trip and that was to Naughty in Nawlins, which we will be blogging about (at some point before NIN 2018).  We also attended quite a number of events, house and hotel parties. The year was so fuckin' busy that we barely had an opportunity to blog. As evident my JUST blogging about the Klymaxxx Splash Bash 2017 last week!  So our 2018 posts will be better coordinated.

We will also be doing "flashback posts" of some of the shit we did in 2017.  Oh and I am going to try to get the Mrs. and our friends to blog this year too.  I always blog with notes from them, but we will see if I can get them to blog with notes from me from time to time.

As of right now, these are the things that we have on the horizon for 2018:

  • Winter Meet and Greet with our friends Mr. and Mrs. Jones from the "We Gotta Thing" podcast
  • Hosting our very first hotel party (Spring)
  • Spring/Summer M&G with the Jones's
  • Return Trip "Home" - heading back to Hedo (Summer)
  • Taking over Saints and Sinners for a "Field Trip" with the Playgrnd Group (Summer)
That's all I can think of right now.  If other things come up, I will add them to the list. If you and your significant other are interested in joining us for any of these, please feel free to message us (mostly me) @

Thanks for reading and happy fucking! 

Mr. and Mrs. Moore

Friday, January 5, 2018

Review - Klymaxxx Nation: Splash Bash 2017

How's it going?  Hope 2017 has been treating you all right, so far.  Over the weekend, the Mrs. and I had the pleasure of attending an event hosted by Klymaxxx Nation, Splash Super Bash.  Klymaxxx is a lifestyle group based out of Harrisburg, PA.  The group hosts about four to six events, also known as "Bashes", throughout the year.  When an event reaches a certain capacity in interest, ticket sales, etc. it becomes a "Super Bash".  Splash Bash is a full hotel takeover.  The only guests that will be staying the night Saturday night will be Klymaxxx members attending the party.

The Splash Bash started back in 2014 when Klymaxxx hosted an indoor pool party in the dead of winter. It was a hit. As the years went on, the event became a Super Bash in 2016 when there were over 350 guests.  All of the rooms at the host hotel, the Clarion Hotel and Conference Center in Hagerstown, MD were sold out.  Late sign-ups had to book rooms at a couple of nearby overflow hotels.  The Mrs and I were all booked to attend the 2016 Splash Bash, but the area was hit with a massive snow storm that weekend and the event was rescheduled to a later date and unfortunately we weren't able to attend.

However, we were able to make the 2017 event! So here we go: We arrived to the hotel about 1:30 or so in the afternoon.  We wanted to get an early jump on Friday afternoon traffic.  We made great time.  It took us a little over an hour to get there.  We were the first of the group to check in.  Many members were arriving on Friday, to get an early start to the festivities. The outside of the hotel was a bit dated and in minor disrepair.  We checked in at the front desk and it was like a trip in a time-warp! This place hadn't been updated since the '80s, at best. The front desk is also shared by the Rodeway Inn that is adjacent to the Clarion. We accidentally stumbled upon the Rodeway Inn side while trying to locate the elevator to get to the second floor of the Clarion. God Bless anyone that has to stay at the Rodeway, because clearly you have been dealt a bad hand and you need a place to stay to help you get back on your feet.  Back to the Clarion, since we were the first to arrive, we kinda had our pick of the atrium rooms. We didn't care, so we picked a room, but when we went in to go unload our things, the room smelled like damp carpet. So the front desk was very accommodating and checked us into a nicer room on the second floor.  The room looked like it was in the process of being updated.  The sliding door opened out to a balcony overlooking the pool and atrium areas.  It was a nice looking pool and it was a good set up.  The hotel just really needed a cosmetic update.  In the meantime some fresh paint and carpet cleaning would do.  While unpacking, another couple came by to introduce themselves.  They were nice and hospitable.  They have partied with the group in the past and were  semi-active members, as they live several hours away from the closest lifestyle club or any regularly Klymaxxx sponsored event.  We walked around and searched for the ice machine, which took forever.  We made a couple of drinks and chilled as more people started to arrive.  As you may (or may not) know, we are an interracial couple, black male and Hispanic female.  Being in the lifestyle you don't come in contact with too many minority couples, unless it's a minority themed takeover/event.  We were the ONLY minorities at the hotel that evening!  We decided to meet with several of the group members at a local restaurant for dinner.  It would give an opportunity to meet some new people and to maybe scope out prospective playmates. ;-)

Dinner was at the Tilted Kilt, not far from the hotel.  I guess since we were eating at the Tilted Kilt, many of the men thought it would be fun to wear kilts.  Not sure what the deal is with men and kilts, but they were rocking them and it was cold out that night!  Anyway, the dinner was social and fun.  Over the course of dinner, about three or four other black guys came in with their partners/dates.  Not sure if they were wives or girlfriends because the guys never introduced themselves or their ladies.  Which is weird from a black guy standpoint.  One,  because we have this thing about acknowledging one another with a head nod if we are in the company of a lot of non-blacks.  Had a friend that said it's our way of saying "I see you, other black man."  But it was also strange from a lifestyle standpoint.  Everyone there knew each other, for the most part. We were the "newbies" and people usually introduce themselves to the newbies.  There was this one couple that was very friendly, but not attractive to us at all.  The wife looked like she just finished working in a horse stable!  She had on a hooded sweatshirt!  Most of the other ladies looked "casual date night sexy".  She looked "fuck it" un-sexy. Then they started talking about pick-up trucks.  As I am sitting there I am trying to figure out what are we going to tell our sitter as to why we are home a day early because I just KNEW when we got in the car the Mrs. was going to say "We are getting the hell out of here!" Anyway, dinner was good and people started to get loose as the night went on and the drinks started to kick in.  We started to have good conversation and the evening wasn't a total loss. We all agreed to that we would see everyone back at the hotel and we would have some more drinks and have some fun.

Back at the hotel we decided to grab a couple of drinks and walk around the atrium area.  People were out socializing and introducing themselves to us and each other.  It was pretty chill.  As the drinks started to kick in, things got more and more rowdy.  Which wouldn't be a bad thing, but unfortunately, our event started the next day.  The hotel was currently hosting a couple of kid birthday parties.  I guess the parents rent a couple of rooms, the kids hang out in the pool, eat pizza play games, etc.  So things were heating up, the body shots come out and the Mrs. is quickly drafted to become the receiver of one by the female half of a couple.  She quickly licks the alcohol and whipped cream off of the Mrs. nipples, but she slowly cleans her up with more longer, deliberate licks.  The shit was hot and really set the tone for the next night for the official event to pop off!!!

The day of the event was mostly us running around, getting snacks and door and room decorations. We were SO excited for the event.  Mostly me! As the evening rolled around and the drinks started to kick in, we could see the event unfolding: the DJ was playing music, decorations were coming up.   It was really looking nice.  More people stated to arrive. The various vendors were setting up. It was going to be epic!!!  Then it wasn't....

We aren't sure what happened, but the event was lame as fuck!  At least it was for us. The DJ really wasn't DJ'ing. The indoor pool was cold, so not too many people got in.  The demonstrations were OK, but not really our thing.  They were definitely geared towards the BDSM crowd.  We are social swingers: we like to meet new people and have a good time and if it leads to something that night, great!  If it leads to us being friends to party and hang out with even better!  If it leads to us swapping at some point down the road, the best!!!  This was a crowd that knew how to have fun. There was a decent amount of play in some of the rooms, but they all were closed door.  So more than likely, the people that they played with, they probably played with before. It was a real disappointing event that made us both feel like we would not attend another Klymaxxx function, unfortunately.  The members are very nice and most are pretty friendly, but they aren't our type and it doesn't seem like their type of "fun" is our type of "fun".

Thanks for reading and happy fucking!

Mr. and Mrs. Moore

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Review - Saint and Sinners Atlantic City (Summer 2016)

How's it going?  Hope life has been good since our last review.  Over the summer the Mrs. and I had the pleasure of attending Saints and Sinners in Atlantic City, New Jersey for a weekend.  We spent all day Friday at Gunnison Beach in Sandy Hook, NJ - maybe we will do a review on the beach in a separate post - and had a good time there.  We headed down to Atlantic City, which is about two hours away, at about 6 as the beach was starting to thin out. It was a decent ride. Highway scenic, I suppose.  Anyway, locating the club was a little hard, even with the GPS.  After circling the block a couple of times, we finally turned at the right time into the parking lot.  The parking lot was either pretty massive or no one was there.  Either way, we parked and got our things.  In case you didn't know, Saints and Sinners Atlantic City is not just a lifestyle club, but it's also a full service hotel as well as gentleman's club and someone mentioned that there was a liquor store also attached.  Basically, it covers a large portion of a city block, if not all of the block.  In the middle of the clubs and hotel is courtyard deck with a small, heated outdoor pool.

We checked into the hotel, which also checked us into the club for the Friday night party.  The Friday night party was free for all hotel guests, which is a plus. The room rates are pretty comparable with what other hotels in the area charge.  The hotel mangers are also the club managers and are super friendly and they were quite helpful.  We were given a little goodie bag with some fun stuff like lubes, condoms, cuffs and things like that.  It was a really nice touch and we were very pleased at how things were going. When checking into our room however, we were finally let down.  The room was advertised as a king, but was clearly a single queen bed.  Which was fine, but also the room was just "eh". It looked like it was recently renovated, but not quite all the way yet.  Maybe they ran out of money or something.  The room was clean, so it was OK for a couple of nights. We didn't have much time to rest before having to get ready for the Friday night party.  We took showers (was way too small for us to take one together) and headed down to the party.

The club is BYOB, which is probably one of our favorite aspects of lifestyle clubs/events.  We get to bring in our own liquor, so it doesn't cost us an arm and a leg to get a nice, fun buzz going.  The club was a little light, about 50-75 people, but everyone was having a good time. The music was decent.  It was good for the crowd demographics (mostly early 40s to mid-50's white couples), so no complaints.  The club offered light snacks out by the hotel lobby.  So we grabbed some snacks and asked one of the mangers to give us a tour of the venue, since it was our first time.  She assigned someone to show us around.  He showed us some of the playrooms and we also asked to see the larger suites they offer for the night. The suites certainly are very large and would be great for hosting a meet and greet for a group hosting a takeover of the hotel. Or an orgy. After our tour, we headed to back to the bar and dance floor area to freshen up our drinks.  We did a little dancing and met a few couples and talked with them for a bit.  Then we decided to head to the playrooms.  The Mrs. knew which room she wanted to go to...the one with the sex swing! That room is up several flights of stairs, the last fight being very narrow and the room with the swing is off to the right. The room also has two relatively high beds, with the two beds separated by a half-wall or partition. The Mrs and I played in the swing for a bit and decided to take it to one of the beds.  As we fucked on the bed, we got a spectator.  We mostly play in group settings, so it's not a problem for us to perform in-front of others, but this was a single guy. No girl. Just one guy.  On Friday nights Saints and Sinners charge a premium to let single guys have the pleasure of watching couples fuck.  I am pretty sure that most of these guys think there is a chance that they too will get lucky.  Not tonight, buddy.  The Mrs said she was ready to leave, so we got dressed and headed back to the party.  We partied a little more and then checked out the adjacent gentleman's (strip) club.  That was fun.  It's always fun watching the ladies put on a show for the Mrs. After a few songs, we headed back out to the club area and danced for a bit.  It was a long day, so we soon went back to the room and crashed for the night.

On Saturday, we did tourist-y type things that I am sure you couldn't care less about.  Because it is Atlantic City, after all, there isn't much to see outside of the Boardwalk and the streets with the names that inspired the Monopoly board game.  Saturday afternoon, the hotel was hosting a pool party.  Oh and it was "clothing optional".  Which was perfect since the pool was in the middle of the courtyard that was completely closed off by the towering buildings that housed the hotel, dance club and strip...I mean gentleman's club.  Our room had a walk off balcony area, as most of the rooms do, where we could look out over the balcony and see the pool.  The party was scheduled to start at 2.  Two o'clock only one couple there...2:30, same couple. 2:45...same couple. By 3:00 we were like come on, let's go down. It was hot out and the pool was very refreshing.  The one couple was a friendly, older couple that had been there in the past and they liked the parties the club throws.  Since it was clothing optional, the lady of the couple just had on her bottoms and was topless in the pool.  By her brown nipples, we could tell this wasn't her first rodeo.  She was a major player in the topless beach game.  We chatted with them as more folks started to come down, at which point the Mrs. decided to take off her top and frolic in the pool topless.  More couples came down and it was a party!! Except for the music. I don't know what the fuck we were listening to, but it sucked!  It was like someone's whack Pandora station, with the commercials and all!  They didn't even have the commercial-free premium version.  But that was fine, it was just background noise anyway.  The hotel offered a free deli tray so you could make yourself a nice sub sandwich with all of the fixings.  That was a nice touch if you are out in the sun talking and drinking, it's good to put something on your stomach.  As the afternoon wore on, the Mrs. decided it was time to go full-nude.  I guess she was missing Hedo and being naked.  She removed her bottoms as we chilled in the pool talking to other couples.  Most were older than us and had more money, as evident by the wonderful boob jobs some of the ladies had.  It was a good time.  Our friends came up and met us and we had a couple of drinks with them before they headed off to their hotel room to rest and get ready for the big party later that night.

Night time comes and the noise outside our balcony and the sounds of music for the nightclub grows louder.  Sounds like the fun is beginning...except the music is awful! Well, it wasn't "awful", it was just old. There was a lot of disco being played. Which isn't bad in a small set of 3 or 4 songs, not as many songs as they were playing. Where's my drink, it's going to be a long night.

Our friends arrive with bad news, apparently the liquor stores in Atlantic City close at 10PM.  What the fuck?!? Be sure to get all of your alcohol as early as possible so you don't end up having a dry night.  Luckily for us, we made friends that let us have their "spare bottle" of vodka. So we were able to have a few drinks. Unfortunately, for our friends, the male half had too much, too soon and was ready to call it quits a little after midnight.

After they left, the Mrs. and I did some exploring looking for a good place to be intimate. We like privacy, yet we like to be seen. We decided to return to the room with the sex swing. There was another couple in the room on the other side of the partitioned wall.  She was slurping on his cock so loudly. The Mrs. took a peak around the corner and it was a couple that we met earlier in the night. She was hot and they were a nice looking couple, but we weren't ready to take that step quite yet. No matter how much he pleaded for us to come join them, we decided to finish what we started the night before on the sex swing.  We are in the swing making out and getting warmed up and we hear folks coming up the stairs...great, an audience. I hear a female say the swing is in the room up to the right. So with that, I helped the Mrs. out of the swing to give the new folks a turn. We lean against the bed in the room. They arrive to the room and it was two couples; two guys and two females, one blonde and one brunette. The brunette seems to be the "leader" and the two gentlemen help the blonde up in the swing. The brunette is giving instructions and is making out with the blonde and the two guys are keeping her safely propped up.  She rubbed the blonde's pussy as she kissed her deeply.  After a few minutes, the blonde said she was ready to get out of the swing and on to the bed.  The guys helped her out and she climbed up on the bed. The Mrs. and I continued to lean on the bed as we watched the two ladies make out. I rubbed on the Mrs. breasts and gently tugged on her nipples and we enjoyed the show.  The brunette asked the blonde if it was OK if she tasted her. The blonde said yes. Well, the brunette said that the blonde had a little surprise...a clit ring. This seemed to get everyone excited. She lapped at her pussy like a thirsty man stuck in the desert getting his first drink of water. This was so exciting to the Mrs. She rubbed the blonde's tits through her clothes. While I continued to tug her nipples. At some point, the brunette came up for air and began kissing the blonde and then they started kissing the Mrs. All three of them making out passionately. This is the first time the Mrs. had ever kissed another female and she was kissing two! Somehow I got caught-up in the mix of ladies and began kissing all three. Amazing. As the blonde leaned back on the bed she put her hand under the Mrs. dress and commented on how wet she was as she began to finger her wet pussy. At this point, this is the hottest thing I have been involved in since we started being "around" the lifestyle several years ago.  While she was fingering the Mrs, the Mrs. was fingering her and rubbing her clit. It was an amazing sight. Then out of nowhere, the blonde re-positions herself so her head is hanging slightly over the side of the bed and she is able to get in perfect position to lick the Mrs. sloppy wet pussy. It was the first time she had ever been eaten out by another woman and not only was I lucky enough to be there and watch, I was able to lend a helping, tongue. The sight of it was too amazing for me not to join in, so I kneeled down and helped out the beautiful blonde by licking my wife and also kissing her while we alternated licking duties.  I guess the feeling was really good, because the next thing I know is the Mrs. kicks her right leg up and puts her foot on the wall to help get more space for us in-between her legs. I get up to play with her nipples some more and moments later she is cumming. Cumming very, very hard. It was a beautiful sight to see. She excuses herself to go get cleaned up and I look around and there were about a dozen on-lookers enjoying the show. When she gets done, she taps me on the shoulder and motions for us to leave. She came, we left. We head back to our room and we crash for the night.

The next morning, we head out for a bite to eat before checking on our friends and heading home.  It was a great weekend. Gunnison Beach was fun and relaxing. In Atlantic City, separately, everything was OK. But when you add the entire complex of the Surfside Hotel, Saints and Sinners nightclub, The Horse Gentleman's Club, etc. you have a world class venue for lifestylers. We were just disappointed at the crowd size. A place like this should be hosting huge lifestyle events almost every weekend during the summer months. One of the managers told us that they were just opening back up after some renovations.  Hopefully the word will get out that Saints and Sinners Atlantic City is the place to go if you want to throw the biggest and best lifestyle event in the north east!

Thanks for reading and happy fucking!

Mr. and Mrs. Moore

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

First Review - Cumming Soon!

Afternoon Friends,

We will review our fist club, Tabu Social Club, next week after our visit this weekend! We look forward to checking out the club with some newbie friends of ours. Well, they aren't new to the lifestyle, just new to Tabu. Full disclosure - Tabu is our "home club". We have been many times over the years, but this will be our first visit with a couple that has never been. As well as our first visit that we will be in full business mode, looking to review the club. Should be fun!

See you guys next week!

Thanks for reading and happy fucking!

Mr. and Mrs. Moore